Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Reunion Countdown

Today is the 17th of September, and as the days wind down in the summer of 2013, so does the amount of time we have before the Reunion.

We have 18 days to go before the biggest bash of the year is held in Lynbrook, Long Island.

If you are one of the approximately 150 who are going to this event, all I can say is "Thanks."

You knew that this would be something memorable, and you put your money where your mouth was and decided that this was a good investment.

For those who have not paid, you might have missed the boat here.

Yes, I know, $65 is a lot of money during these hard times, and many of us are not employed right now.

For others, you have conflicting schedules, or you live too far away to make the commute.

I understand, believe me I do, and I thank you for at least having interest in this event.

For those who are still sitting on the fence, time is a'wasting.

You must get your checks to the above address this week.

The P.O. Box is being closed on Saturday, so if you send your checks late in the week, they will come right back to you like a boomerang.

So if you have finally made the decision to attend, SEND YOUR CHECKS OUT TODAY.

Please send them to the above address ONLY.

I will check the Box each day this week, but we need a full head count ASAP.

I hate to be so somber and direct here, but we have been publicizing the Reunion for the entire year, and why it has taken some people so long to make a decision is beyond my, or the Committee's, comprehension.

If there is a problem, please let me know pronto. My email address is l_lapka@yahoo.com.

Thanks, and I hope to see you there on Oct. 5.

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