Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Reunion Deadline

It seems that several people have just awakened from a slumber that seemingly began at the beginning of the year, and have discovered that we are having a Reunion on Oct. 5.

To those Rip Van Winkles: I am sorry, but the deadline has passed, passed you right by.

The deadline for getting us your payments was extended twice, and we can no longer add on any more time. September 15 was the absolute, drop-dead date for payments, and none--and I mean none--will be accepted at the door.

Things have been ordered, we have to tell the caterer this weekend the amount of people coming, and well, you had your chance.

One person on Facebook said that I was "threatening" people when I told them that the deadline had passed, but quite frankly, where have these people been the last nine of more months or so?

The committee is meeting this weekend to iron out the final details, and if you are an attendee, and want to have any input into the Reunion, please send me an email at l_lapka@yahoo.com. I would be more than happy to present whatever you have to say to the committee.

So, for those who missed out, sorry, but you missed the boat.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Final Attendee List

OK, here is the final attendee list as of today, September 21, 2013.

I hope you see yourself on this list.

Arkin    Lori
Ashkenazy    Debbie and Hymie
Banks and Spieler    Heide and Barbara
Benson    David and Mrs.
Berman    Jay
Bernstein    Eileen
Blumberg    Beth
Blumenstein    Larry
Bokser    Andrew
Brandon    Nancy
Charney    Gary
Chelmow    Marcy
Cohen    Lenore
Cutler    Arthur
Dean    Daveen
Dobshinsky    Allen and Edie
Eagle    Len
Efran    Howard
Fagen    Craig
Fagen    Brian
Feiwus LoPresti    Martha
Field    Lori
Field    Husband, Son, D-In Law
Fishelman    Joyce
Fredericks    Diane
Gezzi    Debbie
Gezzi    Laura
Godnick (Staloff)    Debbie
Goland    Lois
Gold    Billie
Goldbeck*    Dan
Goldberg    Larry
Goldfisher Levy    Michelle
Goldman    Fred
Goldstein Schain    Linda
Goldstein Winokur    Robin
Gononsky    Gerald
Gorbacz-Daniel    Hilda
Greene    Michael
Greenstein    Alan
Grossman    Gerald
Gugick    Arthur
Heckelman Behar    Sheryl
Higgs    Susan and Guest
James-Jones    Patricia
Jones-Randall    Diane
Kalish    Janet
Kalish    Kenny
Kanter-Wenger    Andrea
Kanzer and Niecestro    Caryn and Robert
Kaplan    Stew
Kirsch Shayowtiz    Fran and Barry
Klein    Hedy
Kornhaber    Joan
Kronenberg    Mindy and Guest
Kurland    Miriam and husband
Kurzer    Paulette
Labow    Alan
Lapidus    Cindy
Lapka    Carl and Phyllis
Lapka    Larry, Elena and Joshua
Levenson    Jeff
Levy    Drew
Lobel    Elliott
Markowitz Jacobs    Seena
Mashin Grosseto    Laure
Mazur    Joyce and Wayne
Mazur    Mitchell
Meginsky    Karen
Mendel    Ira
Mintzer    Barry and Debbie
Mizrahi    David
Moskowitz    Hal
Neiman    Laura
Newstat    Joyce
Orzick Spiegel    Teri
Paige    Billy
Pernick    Joe
Perrick    David
Perry    Susan
Raskin    Deborah
Raskin    Joe
Reich    David
Reisch    Bruce
Rennert    Steve
Roemer    Ira and Bonita
Rose    Helene
Rosen Montesano    Noreen
Rosen Rosenblum    Arlene
Rosing    Larry and Stefanie
Rosoff    Jerry
Scherer    Robert
Scherlag    Gary
Schlussel    Stephen
Schlussel-Oppenheimer    Barbara
Schneider Wahrsager    Miriam
Schulman    Larry
Schuman Kline    Roberta
Schuman Labovsky    Maxine
Schwartz    Arthur
Schwartz    Mara
Schwartz    Norm
Seleznow    Steve and Louise
Sherman    Marc
Siegel Sanders    Ellen
Silberger    Monte and Linda (Freitag)
Slatnick    Linda
Smiley    Margo
Solow    Michael
Sprung-Werbel    Debbie
Srulawitz    Pamela, Helen and Linda
Starr    Anita
Starr Scarfone    Janet
Steinfeld    Trudy
Stolls    Michele
Trink Roffe    Shelley and Saul
Weinrib    Karen and Debra
Weinrib    Mark
Welovnick    Stephen
Williams    Pamela
Yatkowitz    David
Youngworth    David

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Yes, what you may have heard, or what perhaps you will read here for the first time, is correct.

Newsday, the Long Island newspaper, is covering our little get together.

They will send out a reporter to the Lynbrook location on Oct. 5, and there will be a story on the event that will run in their Saturday Part 2--generally geared to Baby Boomers--on a future Saturday.

They will be the only news organization there.

Here is a post from the Rochdale Reconnection Facebook site introducing the reporter to the Reunion attendees.

Cara Trager is writing a story about Rochdale Village and Long Island residents who once lived in RV. If you live or have lived on Long Island and are interested in being interviewed for the article or want to find out more about the story first, please send Cara your name, phone number(s) and the best times to reach you. 

Her email address is: carastrager@gmail.com

I was interviewed by her yesterday, and we had a very nice conversation.

If you are interested, contact her immediately. Thanks.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Reunion Countdown

Today is the 17th of September, and as the days wind down in the summer of 2013, so does the amount of time we have before the Reunion.

We have 18 days to go before the biggest bash of the year is held in Lynbrook, Long Island.

If you are one of the approximately 150 who are going to this event, all I can say is "Thanks."

You knew that this would be something memorable, and you put your money where your mouth was and decided that this was a good investment.

For those who have not paid, you might have missed the boat here.

Yes, I know, $65 is a lot of money during these hard times, and many of us are not employed right now.

For others, you have conflicting schedules, or you live too far away to make the commute.

I understand, believe me I do, and I thank you for at least having interest in this event.

For those who are still sitting on the fence, time is a'wasting.

You must get your checks to the above address this week.

The P.O. Box is being closed on Saturday, so if you send your checks late in the week, they will come right back to you like a boomerang.

So if you have finally made the decision to attend, SEND YOUR CHECKS OUT TODAY.

Please send them to the above address ONLY.

I will check the Box each day this week, but we need a full head count ASAP.

I hate to be so somber and direct here, but we have been publicizing the Reunion for the entire year, and why it has taken some people so long to make a decision is beyond my, or the Committee's, comprehension.

If there is a problem, please let me know pronto. My email address is l_lapka@yahoo.com.

Thanks, and I hope to see you there on Oct. 5.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Remember when you were a kid in Rochdale, and you were late for school?

You had to bring in a note from your parents, stating why you were tardy.

Yes, you had a doctor's appointment.

Yes, you overslept.

Yes, you weren't feeling well.

As long as mom signed that note, everything was OK.

Fast forward to the present time, and the deadline for sending payment for the Reunion was September 15.

That deadline has passed, yet people are actually deciding now to come to the Reunion.

The committee needs an accurate tally this week. We cannot accept checks past this week, and actually,  checks really should have been in already.

We need to tell the caterer how many people we are having at this event, and we can't have people sending in checks next week for this thing.

Here is the deal: if you have finally decided to go to the Reunion, and you have not yet sent in a check, I would do it RIGHT NOW, ON MONDAY.

I will be checking the box this week, but there will come a point where we will not be able to accept any late checks, as THE P.O. BOX IS BEING CLOSED THIS WEEK.


No, Mom can't help you this time ...

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday the 13th

I don't know if you are superstitious, but today is Friday, September 13.

Yes, Friday the 13th.

This is supposed to be a day where if you are superstitious, you really watch yourself.

As a kid, you did not step on any lines on the pavement.

You did not walk under any ladders.

You kept your fingers crossed as much as you could.

Maybe you carried a rabbit's foot or a four-leaf clover on you on that day.

I don't have any real Rochdale anecdotes about Friday the 13th, because I am not a superstitious person at all.

But what I do know is that Friday the 13th marks just two days until you can get your checks to us to come to the Reunion.

Please get those checks to us as quickly as possible. The Committee meets again next week, and we really have to have our final headcount in place so we can alert the caterer as to how many people we are going to have.

No, you won't have bad luck the rest of your life if you aren't there, but you will miss out on the bash of the season, that is for sure, and probably the last large reunion of the Rochdale "kids" and others that will be held.

So please, send out your payments now!

Believe me, that will be the luckiest thing you do right now, because this is an event you do not want to miss!

Thursday, September 12, 2013


I am not much of a clothes horse, but there was a style of dress that we saw in Rochdale when we were kids.

The 1960s itself was a transitional period in dress. Just look at old TV shows and movies, and you will see us move from more formal attire to much more casual clothing as the decade played itself out.

So the years 1963-1975 were the real transitional wardrobe years in Rochdale, reflecting the times we lived in.

Kids dressed in dungarees and polo shirts early on, but later, that morphed into more free-flowing attire, certainly led by the emergence of such items as bell bottoms.

Bell bottoms certainly mirrored the time, and for many of us kids, they were so much preferred than the usual tighter pants, because you could get them on and off so easily, especially if you had your shoes on.

And the bigger the better. I think the big ones were known as "stove pipes," but I can't clearly remember.

And directly for the girls ...

Remember hot pants?

I guess they were kind of risque for the time, but to me, they were basically short shorts, shorter than the normal short.

But the girls loved them, and I guess us guys enjoyed them too, if you know what I mean.

Again, I don't know anything about clothes, but the styles were a'changing in Rochdale at that time, as they were in society, and Rochdale mirrored what was happening outside the gates, so to speak.

As for the Reunion, wear what you feel comfortable wearing, but take note of one very important thing:  many of the people you will be reconnecting with are probably people you haven't seen in decades. How do you want to appear to them after all that time?

No one will be turned away if they are wearing shorts and a T-shirt, but honestly, I would go with business casual, sort of dress-down attire that you would wear at work, so no suits, no ties, no gowns, nothing like that ... unless you are comfortable wearing those items.

Quite frankly, it is up to you to wear what you want at the Reunion, but wear something.

No nudes will be allowed in!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Skelly, Skully, Whatever You Call It

Probably the top game to play in the playgrounds in Rochdale during its early days was skelly ...

Or was it skully?

I never found out the true name of the game, but I knew how to play it, and I played it so much that my middle finger cuticle on my right hand remains misshapen from it to this day.

You take a good bottlecap, fill it with crayons, leave it on the heater in your room, have the crayons melt, let it cool, take it outside, rub it so the bottom is flat, and you are ready to go!

The idea of the game is to move around the board to various numbered boxes until you get to the end.

In the meantime, you can knock your opponent's pieces out or move them to various spots on the board with a flick of your finger.

During the early days of Rochdale, this game, seemingly a variation of marbles, was all the rage.

I believe I read that it was actually created in the streets of Philadelphia, but the game kind of moved over here too, in different variations than the original.

My pockets were full of skully caps, and so many of the crayons my mother bought for us were melted down and used with these caps.

As we got older, the game started to wane in popularity, but back in 1964 to about 1969, just about every park in Rochdale had a skully board drawn into it using chalk.

The one in the building 9/12 playground was right at the entrance to the park from the back of building 9. You just walked into the park from that exit, turned left, and that is where it was.

Kids today would probably scoff at this game, but heck, it was better, and more socially involving, than playing video games all day.

Skully, skelly, whatever you want to call it, was just one of the now old-school park games we used to play in Rochdale, along with hopscotch, SPUD, and punchball.

We all have memories of those games, and I will bet those memories will come up pretty regularly among the conversations at the Reunion.

Time is moving fast, and you have just four days to get your payment in, so do it today!

And bring some skully caps; maybe an impromptu board can be drawn up, and we can get into that flick of the finger once again, for old times' sake.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Horseshoes, Nails and the Like ...

Rochdale Village was constructed on the site of the old Jamaica Race Track, and various buildings had to be razed for the residential project to be built.

But as I remember it, in the early days of development, one could always find remnants of the old race track here and there.

I distinctly remember finding old horseshoes and lots of nails out and about during those days.

One day, my friend Ira and I decided that we were going to build a tree house, and we took what tools we had, some wood, and marched over to the deep end of Rochdale, somewhere near where I.S. 72 eventually was built.

In our seven year old minds, we figured that a tree house was a necessity in the wilds of Rochdale, I guess, and where better to put it than quite a ways away from where we lived in Building 9?

Anyway, we marched over there and started to put up this thing.

One thing led to another, and whatever we constructed fell down, and for me personally, that was the end of my building career, as I learned at an early age that I was not very handy.

But I do remember one other thing about this experience.

We were both wearing sneakers, and Ira stepped on a nail that had to be a couple of inches long that was buried in the ground. It was rusted, and I think that is when our little project stopped.

It punctured his sneaker, went into his heel, I believe, and he had to go right to the doctor to see if he was OK or if a tetanus shot was needed.

Funny how I remember this, but I do, and I don't think I ever ventured over to that part of the development again until I.S. 72 was built.

Flash forward to today, and we are in something of a horse race.

There are only five days left to send in your check for the Reunion.

Don't make this into a photo finish--make it into a Win, or at least a Place and Show.

You don't want to finish out of the money, so to speak, so send in your payment now!

I will bet that it is a decision you will not regret!

Monday, September 9, 2013


During our time in Rochdale in the mid 1960s through at least the mid 1970s, music permeated our neighborhood.

You could hear everything from pop, rock, soul, jazz and classical music from one corner of the development to the other, and like today's kids with their iPods, we had our own music devices.

Who can forget our home Hi-Fi systems, which pretty much consisted of a turntable and speakers? Sure, pretty primitive by today's standards, but back then, this type of system came in all shapes and sizes, and was even portable.

My family had one, and we moved everything from the foyer, where the system was normally kept, to our rooms when we listened to our records, 45s and LPs on a spindle that would play one on top of the other.

And for even more portable music, we all had transistor radios of all shapes and sizes.

That plays into one of my favorite memories of Rochdale, one that I will never forget.

Otis Redding was on the verge of becoming a huge star, crossing over from black radio to AM Top 40 with numerous songs like "Try a Little Tenderness.

He was about ready to become huge when he died in a plane crash in December 1967.

His record label rushed out "Sittin' On the Dock of the Bay" to honor his death, and I remember that it shot up to the top of the charts, eventually reaching No. 1.

And in mid-December, I did my usual bicycle riding from one mall to the other to buy comic books.

Incredibly, from one corner of Rochdale to the other, kids had their transistor radios out, and seemingly all you heard, from one end of the community to the other, was "Sittin' On the Dock of the Bay."

It was an incredible memory, one that showed the true power of the music we listened to.

Whether it was from A--the Animals--to Z--the Zombies--music was everywhere in the old neighborhood, and the music that made our lives during those years will be heard at the Reunion.

If you have any suggestions, please note them. They will all be presented to the committee, who will, in turn, probably make up a master list of tunes to the DJ.

Hopefully, you will hear your favorites.

I have mine, and I hope that the DJ plays them too.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Become An Official Attendee Now!

Remember those kid-oriented clubs we used to belong to, the ones that asked us for a nominal amount and we would be a member forever?

A lot of those "clubs' were linked to comic books and TV shows that we watched.

Fast forward to 2013, and you are also being asked to join an exclusive club, one that you already belong to.

Yes, you are being asked to join the list of official attendees to the Rochdale Village Reconnection Reunion, being held on Oct 5.

And although the "dues" aren't as cheap as those clubs on long ago charged, the benefits are just as enormous.

You can meet up with people you haven't seen in ages.

You can have a nice meal.

You can have somewhere to go on a Saturday night.

You can't beat that, can you?

All kidding aside, time is running out for you to get your checks in.

The deadline is September 15, just a few days away.

You already belong to the club; now is the time to get those "dues" in!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Fountains

Do you remember the two fountains that ran in Rochdale from 1964 to about 1969 or 1970?

They spouted plumes of water, cascaded by lights, and they stood as probably the centerpieces of the development during the time that they worked.

If I remember correctly, one was between sections two and three, and the other one was by the Community Center.

(I do not have a photo of the old fountains, and I do not even have anything that approximates those fountains. Does anyone have a photo that they would like to share? I will give you full credit if you send one to me at l_lapka@yahoo.com, and it might be one that we add to our picture collection for the Reunion.)

I remember that when we played ball in the Building 9/12 playground, on a windy day, we could be cooled down by light feeling of water on our skin, very light, barely touching us, but coming from the fountains.

The fountains also became a major hangout place for teens, and during the summer, hordes of young people used to sit and chat and smoke and just have fun around the fountains.

I never really hung out at the fountain--my hangout place was the aforementioned Building 9/12 playground--but I knew many people that did, mainly kids who were three and four years older than I was.

Did anyone actually ever go into the fountain, or at least put their feet in?

I seem to remember that I did, but I do not remember the circumstances. I didn't go in for a long time, but yes, I was one of those people who did, and I seem to remember feeling coins at my feet, but I won't swear to that.

I guess plenty of people made wishes at those fountains, and I hope those wishes came true.

Today, the last I heard, for several years the fountain area has been home to satellite dishes, but maybe somebody can confirm that for me.

I just remember that when they were finally turned off for good--I think it had to do with a New York City water crisis in the late 1960s or early 1970s--it was the clear signal that things were changing in our neighborhood.

I am sure that there will be plenty of talk about the fountains at the Reunion. Remember, the cutoff date for payments is September 15, so get your checks in now!

They have been coming in like plumes of water at this point in time, and you don't want to miss out on the event of the year, so don't miss out!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Pictures Wanted

We are looking for any and all photos having to do with growing up in Rochdale. Any photos that you might have that might look well in a presentation at the Reunion would be appreciated. 

Simply scan the photos and send them to l_lapka@yahoo.com, and please, Rochdale-related photos only.

Some of the photos that have turned up at this site--and other Rochdale sites--will be part of this presentation, but we are looking for "new" ones too.

Don't hesitate--please send the photos to that email address.

Monday, September 2, 2013


I was the first-born in my family in April 1957, and after my arrival, my parents wisely waited some time before having child No. 2, my sister, who was born the day after Christmas in 1959.

I was told I was a real-life "Dennis the Menace" when I was little in those pre-Rochdale years, and I guess my mother, in particular, did not want two holy terrors in the house back to back.

Anyway, my sister and I shared a room in Kew Gardens Hills, and when we moved to our two-bedroom apartment in Rochdale, we continued to share a room during our seven years there, as we went from little kids to teens.

It is never easy sharing a room with a sibling, and it is even more difficult when you share a room with a sibling of the opposite sex.

The line of demarcation is very, very clear, and it certainly was in our room.

My parents put up a divider in the middle of the room, and that split the room roughly in half.

I had the part of the room near the door, my sister had the other half.

We had our beds lined up the same way on both sides of the room, but that is pretty much where the similarities ended.

I had a typical boys room, with pictures all of my sports heroes--Yankees and Knicks--all over the door and on my walls.

I remember that when the Knicks won their first championship in 1970, I stapled caricatures which I bought of each member of the team on my door, and at one point, stapled my hand to the door.

Don't ask.

I had a TV by the window, an old Zenith black and white TV, my comic books were kept on shelves right by the door, and I had my desk pretty much in the middle of my side of the room next to my dresser.

But if you crossed the line of demarcation, you were in my sister's side of the room.

And you knew it wasn't "Boys Town" anymore.

My sister had pictures of her music and TV idols all over her walls, culled from magazines like Tiger Beat. Early on, it was Davy Jones, but soon after, David Cassidy was all over every inch of her walls.

She also had a desk and a dresser, but David Cassidy looked down on every inch of that room.

However, when she got a little older, I was barred from the room in the morning, because even though David Cassidy could look down from the walls, my sister needed her "privacy" as she was maturing, so I would get dressed for my daily activities in my parents' room.

Looking back, the great thing about sharing a room with your opposite sex sibling is that there is a constant stream of opposite sex friends constantly making calls to whatever side of the room you aren't on, but alas, I was too young to take advantage of that, and to a certain extent, my sister was too, although she was much more savvy in that regard than I was.

And sharing a room for all those years kind of brought us closer together, although she probably didn't think that when, on occasion, I stood behind the curtain in the room and scared her when she was trying to go to sleep.

Hey, what's a big brother for?

I don't know if my sister is coming to the Reunion, but I do know there will be plenty of siblings there, and the shared experiences these siblings have will probably make mine pale by comparison.

Don't forget, the cutoff date is September 15, and brother (or sister), you won't regret being there!